Flood Book Contents

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Pages Content Date Comments
From To
1 1 Spine of Book: River Tyne Flood Papers 1771
2 2 Front Cover of Book with Catalogue Ref.
3 5 Minutes of General Meeting of Gentlemen and Clergy of the County 19 December 1771
6 6 Minutes of the Second Meeting of the Committee 3 January 1772 Click on ‘More Information’ on sidebar for explanation of missing minutes of 1st meeting
7 7 Minutes of the Third Meeting of the Committee 9 January 1772
8 9 Minutes of the Fourth Meeting of the Committee 5 February 1772 Date not visible on scan, inferred from minutes of 3rd meeting
10 11 Minutes of the Fifth Meeting of the Committee 2 March 1772
12 12 Minutes of the Sixth Meeting of the Committee 16 March 1772
13 14 Minutes of the Seventh Meeting of the Committee 23 March 1772
15 15 Minutes of the Eighth Meeting of the Committee 1 June 1772
16 16 Minutes of the Ninth Meeting of the Committee 6 July 1772
17 20 Draft Open letter by one of Northumberland Committee undated Mid-March 1772. See p 10
21 22 Draft of letters to Treasurers in Northumberland Dec 20th 1771
23 23 Account of payments and subscriptions received Probably July 1772 See p 491
24 24 Heading: Draft of paragraphs sent to Newspapers no date Mid-March 1772. See p 10
25 25 Draft letter from L Heron to committee members 28 December 1771
26 26 Note about letters to bank and treasurers
27 28 Memoranda and lists of subscriptions paid January 1772
29 32 List of Contributions to a Collection in Hexham January 1772
33 33 List of Subscriptions from North Shields and Preston
34 35 Letter from Cuthbert Brough (North Shields) to Lancelot Heron 21st January 1772
36 38 List of Subscriptions from Morpeth January 1772
39 40 Letter from Thomas Lindsay with a List of Alnwick subscriptions 21st January 1772
41 42 Letter from Revd. Thomas Noble (Belford) to Mr. Ralph Heron 20th January 1772
43 45 List of Subscriptions from Belford 31st December 1771
46 49 List of Subscriptions from Wooler January-February 1772
50 52 Letter from Mr Harrison to Mr Heron with list of subscriptions from Bellingham 20 January 1772
53 54 List of subscriptions from Stamfordham Undated
55 56 List of subscriptions from Berwick 18 January 1772
57 61 List of subscriptions from Haltwhistle 10 January 1772
62 64 List of subscriptions collected at Whitley (in Hexhamshire) 15 January 1772
65 66 Letter from the Rev Mr Rickman (Newburn) to Mr Ralph Heron 11 January 1772
67 68 List of subscriptions collected at Newburn Undated
69 69 Letter from the Rev Mr Rickman (Newburn) to Mr Ralph Heron 26 January 1772 Incorrectly dated 1771.
70 71 Letter from the Rev Mr Rickman (Newburn) to Mr Ralph Heron 18 January 1772
72 80 List of subscriptions collected in Northumberland Undated
81 83 Letter from Mr Willoby of Berwick to Mr Ralph Heron 23 December 1771
84 85 Letter from Mr William Fenwick to ? 25 December 1772
86 87 Letter from Dr Dockwray to ? 31 December 1771
88 89 Letter from Mr John E Blackett to Mr William Fenwick at Bywell 3 January 1772
90 91 Letter from Mrs Ann Hodgson of Elswick to Mr Richard Heron 14 January 1772 Ralph Heron?
92 93 Letter enclosing collection from Corbridge 14 January 1772
94 96 Letter enclosing collection from Haydon 18 January 1772
97 98 Letter regarding the collection in Wooler
20 January 1772
99 100 Letter regarding a collection in Rothbury 3 February 1772
101 102 Letter from G Middleton to Lancelot Heron 7 Feb 1772
103 105 Letter from C Gregson to Ralph Heron 25 February 1772
106 107 Letter from William Cuthbert to Ralph Heron 20 Mar 1772
108 109 Draft letter from Mr Heron to Newcastle banks 28 Mar 1772
110 111 letter from Christopher Gregson 31 March, 1772
112 113 letter from Christopher Gregson with attached Ovingham list 8 April 1772
114 115 Letter from Mr Collinson 27 April 1772
116 117 letter from Exchange Bank to Mr Heron
118 118 List of Subscriptions paid into Exchange Bank 25 December 1771
119 138 Letter from Exchange Bank detailing subscriptions received December 1771-February 1772
139 141 Copy of resolution from meeting of subscribers 19 February 1772 see p 164 for tidier copy of same resolution
142 143 Letters from bankers detailing subscriptions received February-March 1772
143 144 List of subscriptions received by Rev Mr Allen 6 March 1772
145 146 Letter to Lancelot Heron from Surtees and Burdon 9 June 1772
146 156 Letters from Bankers to Committee re Subscriptions Received Jan to Feb 1772
157 157 Account of Northumberland Subscriptions received 21 January 1772
158 159 Letter from bankers to about subscriptions received. 21 Jan 1772
160 161 Letter From Bankers to Committee re Further Subscription Received 24 January 1772
162 163 Letter From Bankers to Committee re Total Received to Date 3 February 1772
164 164 Minutes of a Meeting of the Subscribers 19 February 1772
165 166 Letter from Bankers to the Committee re the Above Meeting 21 February 1772
167 173 General State of the Charity sent to the Committee 5 February 1772
174 174 Resolution from the First Meeting at Hexham 23 December 1771
175 201 Haltwhistle Estimates
202 218 Haydon Estimates
219 220 Estimate for Adam Atkin of Newbrough 14 March 1772
222 233 Warden estimates January to March 1772
234 254 Hexham estimates January 1772
255 267 Damages claims from Hexham
268 282 Damages claims from St John Lee
283 313 Damages claims from Bywell
314 324 Damage claims from Ovingham
325 331 Damage claims from Heddon on the Wall
332 338 Damages claims from Newburn parish 20 December 1771
352 354 Damages claims from St Johns
355 355 Certificate of loss for Mary Graham 3 March 1772
356 359 Material relating to Thomas Cooper, Weaver
360 361 List of losses in Benwell hamlet 27 Dec 1771
362 363 Certificate of loss for George Richardson
364 367 Certificate of loss for William Robley
368 373 Claim of Henry Nairn, Dyer from Rothbury
374 377 Estimate of loss for Ann Bell of Lamley
31 December 1771
378 380

Estimate of loss for Nicholas Maughan of Allendale

30 December 1771
381 383 Estimate of loss for Thomas Brown of Chollerton
384 386 Estimate of loss for George Boomer of Knaresdale
387 390 Estimate of loss for Peter Waugh of Knaresdale 30 December 1771
391 391 Letter from Rector of Knaresdale 10 March 1772
392 394
Estimate of loss for George Green of Styford
395 397 Estimate of loss for the Cottagers of Styford
398 399 Estimate of Damage to George Burdes of Styford
400 401 Estimate of loss for Christopher Simpson of Riding Mill 2 January 1772
402 402
Estimate of loss for Mathew Coulson of Broomhaugh
32 January 1772
403 403 Estimate of loss for George Angus Senior and George Angus Junior of Stayford Styford
404 405 List of sufferers by parish, with amounts May be page missing
406 409 Sufferers and their estimates of loss, exclusive of those marked distressed
410 411 Estimates queried: Haltwhistle, Hexham, Bywell, Ovingham
412 412 Aldstone
413 413 Summary for Knaresdale
414 414 Summary for Lambley
415 415 Summary for Haltwhistle
416 416 Tipelt Water
417 417 Summary for Allan Water, Allendale
418 420 Summary for Haydon Chapelry includes Haydon Bridge
421 421 Summary for Newbrough
422 422 Summary for Warden
423 423 Summary for Symondburn
424 425 Summary for Hexham
426 426 Summary for Saint John lee
427 427 Summary for Corbridge
428 431 Summaries for Bywell St Andrew and St Peter
432 433 Summary for Styford
434 434 Summary for Ovingham
435 435 Summary for Ovingham, Wylam
436 436 Summary for Wylam Colliery
437 437 Close House
438 440 Newburn, Lemmington
441 441 Scotswood
442 442 Chollerton
443 443 Summary of amounts for each Class of Sufferers (by parish)
444 444 Heading: totals of the several classes
445 445 First Payment to the first Class of Sufferers
446 446 Receipts for payments to the First Class of Sufferers by Ralph Heron 18 to 25 February 1772
447 448 Heading: Receipts for Second payments to the First Class of Sufferers
448 449 Sufferers who are marked distressed with the totals of their estimates
450 450 Receipts for payments by Ralph Heron 9 to 14 January 1772
451 451 Further named Sufferers in the First Class; Receipt for payment by Ralph Heron January 1772
452 452 First Payment to the second Class of Sufferers
453 455 Receipts for payments to Second Class February 1772
456 456 Receipts for payments to Second Class April 1772
457 460 Total of the Estimates of the second class of sufferers
461 462 Total of the Estimates of the third class of sufferers
463 467 Payments made by R Heron with receipts
468 469 Letter and receipt from William Fenwick 12 January 1772
470 471 Letter and receipt between William Fenwick and Ralph Heron 18 February 1772
472 473 Letter from Wm Fenwick re new subscription begun in London 18 February 1772
474 480 Receipts and correspondence for Bywell Parishes payments Jan and Feb 1772
481 485 L Heron accounts and calculations In January 1772
486 492 R Heron’s summary accounts January to June 1772
493 495 Account of payments to respective classes May 1772
496 498 Plan for further payments – not adopted
499 500 invoice for advertisements 23 March 1772
501 505 Accounts for Committee expenses
506 506 Receipt for payment into Newcastle bank for sufferers 22 February 1772
507 508 Letter from Mr Jacob Lambert 8 March 1772
510 511 Resolution from York Committee 9 March 1772