Tyne Flood transcript

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Transcript of page 139

Copy of resolution from meeting of subscribers

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A tidier copy of this Resolution appears at p 164


upon Tyne inserted above




Newcastle Feby 19.1772 At a meeting heldof the Subscribers to the Indigent Sufferers in this Town by the late flood in pursuance of an Advertisment in the Newcastle ?{papers} of Saturday last It was unanimously resolved That the money subscribed for the Sufferers by the flood in the three Counties of Durham Newcastle upon Tyne & Northumberland be divided into three equal parts one for each for the above mentioned Counties And that the sums received Subscribed for the relief of the Sufferers in General be d divided into four equal parts one for York One for Durham one for Newcastle & one for Northumberland And that a Copy of this resolution be this day sent to both the Banks in Newcastle for their direction on distributing the money in their hands belonging to the Charity And that a Copy of the same resolution be transmitted by them to the respective Secrataries to the Committees of Durham Northumberland & York John Simpson J Reay Matt Scafe Ra: Bates Wm Yielder Chs. Wilkinson Thos. Gaull           John E. Blackett For Mr Collpitts J Reay     Edwd Mosley Richd. Fawcett Wm. Peareth Jr. Jonathn Skelton

This page transcribed by Sandra Lane

Transcript copyright © 2015 the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne