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Damages claims from Hexham

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An estimate of the Damage done by the late great flood on the Rivers South and North Tyne in Northumberland which happened in the night between Saturday the 16th and Sunday the 17th day of November to Hugh Wharton of Temple Sowerby in the County of Westmoreland Dishmaker who at the time the said flood happened and for some time before resided at Hexham in the County of Northumberland where and in the neighbouhood thereof he had for some years bought a Ash and Plain trees for the carrying on his business of a Dishmaker and which Damage he is the less able to bear by reason of having lately lost his Wife and eldest Son by whose Death he was greatly reduced. To Twenty Plain trees (being the remaining part of Eighty Plain ] Trees which the said Hugh Wharton bought of one W. ] Shiplea of Hexham aforesaid, which he had bought of Mr ] Matthew Kirsopp of Hexham aforesaid Deceased ] growing on his Lands within the Township of Netherwarden ] £ S D in the Parish of Warden near the River South Tyne which ] 5 0 0 were remaining in a close wood to the North Side of the ] said River when the said flood happened and where all ] thereby swept away and well worth one with another at ] that Time 5sh apiece To get of them again two by the care and goodness of the ] Bailiff of the Manor of Hexham the one a pretty good ] one the other an indifferent one but the one with £ S D ] the other worth about 5s each 0 10 0 ] And also other two of the worst by the care and goodness of the Baliff of the Manor or owner of ] 0 10 0 / 1 0 0 Dilston but to avoid mistakes put them at the value ] of 5s each ] And after Searching for the remaining sixteen for several ] 4 0 0 Days for several Miles towards the East from Warden - - ] aforesaid on both Sides of the Water could get no account of ] them so that his loss at a moderate valuation thereof is at ] least four pounds.

this page transcribed by Ian Brown and edited by Joan Harvey

Transcript copyright © 2015 the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne