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Minutes of the Eighth Meeting of the Committee

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Sir Lancelot Allgood

At the Eighth Meeting of the Committee held first of June 1772 at the Grand Jury Room in Hexham pursuant to adjournment present William Fenwick Robert Vazie Sir Lanct Allgood Ralph Heron Thomas Riddell Bacon Wm Wastell The Revd Mr. Clarke Henry Tulip The Revd Mr. Railton Robert Lowes The Revd Mr. Gregson Simon Mewburn The Revd Mr. Busby Nicholas Lee John Errington Francis Tweddell William Hunter The Secretary having, by Letter, made the application to the Managers of the two Banks in Newcastle ordered to be made at the last Meeting and having received no answer thereto, by Reason whereof this Committee cannot make a final Distribution and close their Accounts and it appearing that the Committee for the County of York have refused to receive any proportion of the General Subscriptions It is therefore ordered that the Secretary do repeat this application to the said Managers, and also request an Account from them of such Sums (if any) as are now lodged in the said Banks respectively for the use of the Sufferers in the County of Northumberland by the late Flood and how the said Sums respectively arise --- Ordered that the Managers of the two Banks in Newcastle do forthwith pay to Mr Ralph Heron or order all such Sums of Money as are lodged with them respectively and are due to the Sufferers in the County of Northumberland by the late Flood Ordered that this Committee do meet again at [Signed] this place on Monday the sixth Day of July next Fra Tweddell Heny Tulip Wm Fenwick Simon Mewburn Jos: Railton L Allgood S. Clarke Chris: Gregson Thos Riddell Robt Vazie John Errington B W Wastell Robt Lowes

this page transcribed by Colin Langton

Transcript copyright © 2015 the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne