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Letter from the Rev Mr Rickman (Newburn) to Mr Ralph Heron

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Thomas Rickman

Sirs Newburn 18th Janry 1772 I did Myself the Pleasure to wri[ ]you about a Week since in Answer to a Letter of yours relating to [ ]he Money to be distributed amongst the distress'd Sufferers by the late great Flood within this Losses Parish, whose Losses amounted to £15..10..10½. wch at 4/6 in the Pound amounts to £3..9..11. Which as I inform'd you I had distributed out of the Money collected ----------I am mortified to see other Parishes so far beyond us. I have travel'd near a mile for every Shilling I have collected & the whole amounts to no more than £4..1..0.--------You will therefore be pleased to enter us us on the Subscription Book for this Sum, & receive the enclos'd say [?] 11/- as the Balance due from me. There are two Reasons wch account in some Measure for the Failure of my Collection. A Sum about equal to what I have collected had before been given to the Sufferers, & before I had visited the most distant northern part of our Parish a sad Misfortune hath happen'd to us nearer home, namely a Fire wch hath consumed the House, Household Furniture, Timber, Working Tools, of a Wheelright & Joyner at Lemington, whose Loss will go on for to a Hundred & for wch a Subscription is setting on foot, & our Neighbours now reserve their Liberality for him I am If there is any Balance Sir due to you on this acco I will Your most humble Sert. with Pleasure pay it, when I Thos Rickman see you at Hexham.

this page transcribed by Sue Shaw

Transcript copyright © 2015 the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne