Tyne Flood transcript

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Estimate of loss for Nicholas Maughan of Allendale

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Nicholas Maughan

An Estimate of the Damage done by -- the late Dreadfull Flood in Northumberland which happened in the Night between Saturday the 16th and Sunday the 17th Day of November 1771 to Nicholas Maughan of the Parish of Allendale in the said County Yeoman. To the Value of his Horses Swept away and } Drowned by the violence of the said Flood on West } Allendale Water which we whose names are hereunto } Subscribed, near Neighbours to the said Nicholas } Maughan, as such, well know * * * and believe him } to be a very Honest Industrious Man and that he lost } the said two Horses in manner and by the Flood afore- } said which we well know and think in our Judgement } were at the time they were so lost well worth Ten } £ : s : d pounds ten shillings and a greater loss to the said }10 : 10 : 00 Nicholas Maughan than the value of them as he } supported himself and Family by using the said } Horses in the Carriage way, between Allendale Town } in the Parish aforesaid and Alstone in Cumberland } And that by such Loss as aforesaid he is become } a proper object of Charity, all which we do hereby } Certify to the officiating Minister of the Parish of Allen-} dale aforesaid, and beg leave to recommend him to the } Consideration of the Committee appointed by the Subscrib- } :ers for the relief of the unhappy sufferers by the said } Flood As Witness our Hands this 30th day of Decr } 1771 John Spark Joseph Watson Wm Vickers Matthew Dawson John Hornsby I Josiah Fleming Curate of the Parish of Allendale above mentioned to the Minister thereof who does not reside within the Parish, Do hereby certify that I very well know the above named Nichs Maughan and also the several Persons whose Names are Subscribed to the above Written Account and Certificate and that I believe him and them to be honest

this page transcribed by Bill Saunders and edited by Sue Shaw

Transcript copyright © 2015 the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne