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Summary for Saint John lee

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Saint John lee John Charlton of the Hermitage Mill Miller 26 13 .. Edd Robert Bell of Broomhaugh Tanner 70 7. .. Edd William Harbottle of Anick Grainge, Farmer 142. 11 10½ Edd John Cowen of Acomb Barn Gatekeeper John Kirsopp of The Thorns Farmer 87 7 .. Edd distressed Tho Hedley of Hexham Bridge End Innkeeper 3. 15 .. Edd John Gamster of 2. .. .. Edd Matthew Bell of Anick 2. 3 .. Edd

this page transcribed by Chris Walton

Transcript copyright © 2015 the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne