Tyne Flood transcript

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List of losses in Benwell hamlet

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27th Decr 1771 Hamlet of Benwell in parish of St. John Newcastle upon Tyne To all those whom it may concern, we the underwritten having taken a survey & an estimate of the Loss sustained by the undermention'd persons by the late dreadful Flood, do report as follows viz William Joblen at Hall's Boat had his Household goods greatly damaged & a considerable Quantity of Hay in a stack spoiled his Loss amounting to two pounds, the Man very unable to bear such an unexpected Loss, being burden'd with a family of seven small children ----------- Cuthbert Waters near the above place aged eighty had the greatest part of his furniture & what provision he was possessed of chiefly spoild, & render'd entirely useless, his Loss amounting to one pound. Mary Carr a widow with four small children living under the same roof with the above mention'd Cuthbert Waters had the gable end of her dwelling house entirely swept away, by which accident she lost the best part of her furniture, & what small matter was sav'd of little value, her loss amounting to One Pound fifteen Shillings & upwards Thos Cook at Benwell Staiths had two feather beds with the furniture entirely spoild, & his Clock thrown down broke, & render'd of no Value his loss amount- ing to one pound ten shillings, which loss he is unable to bear, being a labouring man, & burden'd with a large Family ------ Edwd Sim a poor labouring man, suffer'd greatly in his furniture, his loss amounting to one pound, unable to bear the loss being upwards of seventy years of age & past his Work -------- We have carefully examin'd the above premises & believe the same to be true as Witness our hands John Brunton Curate of St. John's in Newcastle upon Tyne Jas Duncan. Agent to Ro. Shafto. Esq Wm Collinson Wm Pattison Robt Cole Addn Langhorn } Thomas Clees } Churchwardens

this page transcribed by Bill Saunders

Transcript copyright © 2015 the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne