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Letter from Rector of Knaresdale

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 "Certificate" inserted

indecipherable (in a different hand)

Knarsdale, March 10th 1772 Dear Sir, At our last Meeting I observed some fresh Certifi- cates given in for Losses sustained by the late Inundation. I cannot answer for the Form of the inclosed {Certificate} but know the Contents to be true; must therefore desire the favour of you to communicate it to the Committee at their next Meeting, and to assist the poor Man in getting some Satisfaction for his Loss; which tho' trifling in the main, I believe, is very hard upon him at present, being near one half of all he had in the World. - I am Sir with due Respects Yr most obd & hble Servt J Railton Mr {?} {?}

this page transcribed by Bill Saunders and edited by Sue Shaw

Transcript copyright © 2015 the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne