Tyne Flood transcript

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Transcript of page 355

Certificate of loss for Mary Graham

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"c" inserted
"of Low Elswick" inserted


We whose names are under written, do hereby Certify, That we are well Acquainted with ye Character & Circumstances of Mary Graham Widow of Low Elswick and know her to be an object worthy of ye Charity & Benevolence of well disposed Persons, & are well Satisfied; the under mentioned Estimate of the loss she has received by means of ye Great Inundation of the River Tyne is just & true; and we do Sincerely recommend her to the notice of ye Committee appointed for the Distribution of ye Charitable - Collections made for such unhappy Sufferers. Low Elswick March 3rd. 1772 £ : s : d. In Ale 0: 15 : 6 A Spinning Wheel 0: 5 : 0 Damage Done to a Clock 0: 2 : 6 Do. to a Dresser 0: 3 : 0 Do. to Drawers 0: 2 : 0 Do. to Wearing Apparel 0: 10 : 6 & A Brass Cock 0 : 1 : 6 £ 2 : 0 : 0 John Brunton Curate of St John's Parish    Thos Simpson Factory Mar. 3rd 1772 John Atkinson Chris Atkinson Thos Garret

this page transcribed by Bill Saunders

Transcript copyright © 2015 the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne