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Estimate of loss for Christopher Simpson of Riding Mill

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Names are in another hand.  


'Accompt' means 'account'

We Paul Brown & John Byerley [???] [???] did at the Request of Ralph Smith and Wm Bainbridge [???] upon the 27 Day of December 1771 take an estemation of the Damages sustained by Christo- pher Simpson at the Riding Mill by the late Inundation, which according to the best of our Judgements to be are as follows £ : s : d 5 Cwt of Sheel'd Barley Damage 8s Pr Cwt. 2 :-- :-- 7 Piggs nine Weeks old at 3.6 each 1 : 4 : 6 One Bushel of Barley Meal Damaged - : 5 :-- One Peck of Oat Meal Do. - : 2 :-- Do. Wheat flower Do. - : 2 :-- Do. Barley Meal Do. - : 1 : 3 Creem spilt - : 3 : 4 Hay 3/4 of a Tun at £3:6s:-d Pr Tun 2 : 9 : 6 Total £ 6 : 7 : 7 N.B:The reason why in thiss our estemation of the above Damages several Articles are not so high as in an Accompt before given is first the Sheel'd Barley was therein valued at 14s Pr Cwt, the Selling price being only 12s Pr Cwt. by their own Confession, And we are satisfied that tho' the said Barley was Damaged as was also the abovemention'd Meal yet they were not thereby rendered useless, And Secondly the Hay must be looked upon only a Mistake in the former Accompt because it was not Cutt, so that when we caused it to be Cut from Top to Bottom the damage appeared to be less by much than could have been otherwise supposed and we were thereby enabled to give a more proper Value of the Loss sustained in that particular. However upon the whole we do judge the said Christopher Simpson to be a proper Object of Charity and we do hereby recommend Him as such to all the

this page transcribed by Bill Saunders and edited by Sue Shaw

Transcript copyright © 2015 the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne