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Minutes of the Second Meeting of the Committee

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Sir Lancelot Allgood

At the Second Meeting of the Committee held 3d Janry 1772 at the Grand Jury Room in Hexham pursuant to adjournment present Wm Fenwick The Revd Mr. Gregson Sir Lanct Allgood The Revd Mr. Rotheram Thos Riddell The Revd Mr. Busby John Errington The Revd Mr. Leeke Francis Tweddell William Bainbridge John Blackett William Hunter Henry Tulip Thos Kirsopp Simon Mewburn Robert Lowes Nicholas Lee The Revd Mr. Laidman Robert Vazie The Revd Mr. Stoddart Ralph Heron The Revd Mr. Rickman Ralph Sparke Having received the Estimates of the Losses sustained by the Sufferers Ordered that the Committee meet again at this place on Thursday the Ninth Instant at eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon [Signed] Fra Tweddell Wm Fenwick Wm Laidman Cha: Stoddart       L Allgood Simon Mewburn John Blackett B. Leeke Wm: Hunter Heny Tulip Ralph Heron Thos Rickman Ra: Sparke Thomas Rotheram Willm Bainbridge Thos Kirsopp John Errington S. Clarke

this page was transcribed by Colin Langton

Transcript copyright © 2015 the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne