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letter from Exchange Bank to Mr Heron

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Newcastle. December

2nd crossing out is above line 4

reading doubtful

Your Most Obedient Servant

Mr. Ralph Heron Ncastle Decem 25 1771 Sir We are favoured with yours of the 25th inst. & are am sorry to find that we your your should have given you so much trouble but did not understand your former letter but will be sure to Credit the County of Northumberland's Subscription for £318.11s as you desire for which we keep a book {on purpose?} We are very much obliged to you for given us the preference I am For Father & R Burdon Esq. Your mo Obed. Servt. Edward Surtees

This page transcribed by Sandra Lane

Transcript copyright © 2015 the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne