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Letter from Exchange Bank detailing subscriptions received

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Newcastle. ?27th

? Richardson

Seal obscuring beginning of line


Signature illegible
1st word on line word illegible

last few words, and deletions, illegible

N Castle ?27th Dec 1771 Sir We are favoured with yours of this day covering a Draft on Mr {?Richardson} £100 Cash ~ 18 11 ~ for which you have Credit ~ £118..11 ~ {?you've} also {?covered} Drafts on ourselves by several {?the} in your neighbourhood for Two ?? however as yet we have rec'ed nothing on the Hexham Subscription Acct. by what you sent us I am for Messrs Surtees & Burdon Sir Sr Walter Blacketts £100 Yr Mo Obed Ser We shall give an Account {?????} of the Committee on Thursday {?}but as to the £218-11- we can do nothing about this week but should be obliged to you to give us particular Accounts a of every persons Subscriptions against next week as it will be necessary to give such an Account into the Committee {???}

This page transcribed by Sandra Lane

Transcript copyright © 2015 the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne