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Letter from the Rev Mr Rickman (Newburn) to Mr Ralph Heron

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Different handwriting.  Filing instruction?

Blot or hole in paper on lines 16 and 17.

Newburn 11th Janry 1772 Sir, Newburn I was from home yesterday & did not return in Time to answer your favour last Night ------I am sorry my absenting Myself from the last Meeting should occasion you any extraordinary Trouble, but you need not give yourself any Concern about the Money to be distributed amongst the distress'd Sufferers at Newburn, I have not yet finish'd my Collection through the Parish but have enough in my Hands to answer this Purpose; & when I send you what I am able to collect, (Which must be some Time in the next Week) I will keep back £3..9..11 wch I make to be the Dividend of 4..6. on £15..10..10½. I am Sir, I ha[ ] distributed Your most humble Servant the [ ]3..9..11. this day & taken Receipts from each Person, wch I Thos Rickman shall bring with me to the next Meeting. 'tho I do not know to what day it is adjourn'd.

this page transcribed by Sue Shaw

Transcript copyright © 2015 the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne