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£ s d 989 6 7½ at 17s in the pound amounts to 840 18 7½ 498 18 6½ at 13s 4d 332 12 4½ 709 2 3½ at 6s 8d 236 7 5½ 1409 18 5½ £ s d 1409 18 5½ sums pd to psons not under any particular class 30 5 4 The total pd before the meeting to be held on the first of June 1772 1440 8 9½ Mr Hodgson 5 5 - 1445 8 9½ NB the several Rects amount to 1407 15 7½ 2 2 10 R. H. cannot recollect any Cause why the Vouchers shoud fall this sum short as he always paid the full sum ordered, unless it be owing to an addition of £2 17s which Mr Fenwick ordered to be added to Joseph Neale (of the first Class) his Estimate and which was added after some of the payments were made and if it be supported that he did not receive the two first payments making together 14s 6d in the pound for this £2 17s then in that case the dificiency of the Vouchers is accounted for to 1s 6¼ N. This money pd to Mr Fenwick for ?Neal
this page transcribed by Jan Widmer
Transcript copyright © 2015 the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne