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List of subscriptions from Haltwhistle

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Haltwhistle Northumberland A Subscription by the Nobility, Gentry, Clergy and others for the immediate Relief of the unhappy Sufferers within this----- County by the late dreadfull and destructive Inundation £. S. D. Revd. Thomas Rotheram------------------------------2 2 0 Revd. Mr. Harrison, Haydonbridge-------------------0 10 6 Mr. Hunter, Walltown-------------------------------2 2 0 Mr. Armstrong, Fellend ----------------------------0 10 6 Mr. Snowball, Lowhouse ----------------------------0 10 6 ----John Smith, Barrenhouse 0 1 0 ----John Carrick, Carvoran 0 2 6 5 19 0

Transcript copyright © 2015 the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne