Tyne Flood transcript

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Transcript of page 110

letter from Christopher Gregson

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Note: where the original text is an abbreviation, then if the word is underlined like this: abbr, then hovering your cursor over the word will show its expansion.


?Kenneth. Thomas

?14 or 15

Edge of page damaged, probably 'the' as final word
 At end of line, missing word or words, perhaps 'useless'
first word illegible. At end of line, missing word or words,
Final word on line unreadable

this part of the letter written sideways on the page

Dear Sir                   Ovingham
                            March 31st 1772
    I have sent you inclosed herein
the proportionable Shares of the dis-
-tribution ordered last meeting to be
paid to the Sufferers within my Parish
& also those of Heddon on the Wall, as I
received for them before: And if you
please to pay the same to the bearer
hereof John Coulson, I shall be answerable
for the Cash by him receipted. You may
take a receipt from him, & when you &
I meet, I can withdraw it, and give you
such receipt, as you think will be
more satisfactory to the Committee
If Kennet Carr, Thos. Fletcher & John
Johnson of Ovingham Labourers received
now a full third, they will be overpaid
in full about £14 or £15 among them all
with Lady Broughton's Charity, but as
they are all poor & I believe their loss

The remainder of this letter is written at right angles to rest

reasonably ascertained,& they were all und{er}
neccesity of needing new habitation {??}
{?}being  Destroyed or rendered
by the flood, I think I'll give them {???}
in full, provided you think it will meet with the
Committees approbation: And if you'll please
to communicate to me your sentiment upon
it, you'll much oblige, Sir, Your
                             Humble Servant
                             Chris. Gregson

This page transcribed by Sandra Lane

Transcript copyright © 2015 the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne