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Minutes of the Fourth Meeting of the Committee

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5 February 1772 (visible on original)

Corrected to Ralph Smith on later pages

At the fourth Meeting of the Committee held [date not visible] at the Grand Jury Room in Hexham pursuant to adjournment --- present Wm Fenwick William Hunter Sir Lanct Allgood Robt Vazie Wm Smith Nichs Lee John Blackett The Revd Mr. Clarke Francis Tweddell The Revd Mr. Gregson Henry Tulip The Revd Mr. Railton John Errington The Revd Mr. Laidman William Bainbridge The Revd Mr. Rotheram Simon Mewburn The Revd Mr. Leeke Ralph Sparke The Revd Mr. Busby Ralph Heron A Letter from Mrs. Hodgson being read wherein She requests that out of the Sum of ten Guineas by her pd to the Exchange Bank towards this Charity and included in the account from that Bank, the Sum of five Guineas may be repaid to Mr. Surtees towards the Relief of the Sufferers in Gateshead and Newcastle it being her Intention to apply the whole Sum in that proportion - but it was set down to the County of Northumberland only by Mistake of the Bank - It is therefore ordered that five Guineas be returned accordingly Ordered that the two Banks in Newcastle be drawn upon for the several Sums lodged therein for the Relief of the Relief of the Sufferers in this County and that the same be drawn payable to Mr. Ralph Heron or [on?] Order for the use of this Charity - Ordered that Mr. Ralph Heron out of the Money so to be received do pay to the first Class of Sufferers heretofore distinguished by the Discription of distressed Sufferers after the rate of ten Shillings in the pound for their respective Losses over and above the Sum by him -- already paid to them and it is also ordered that the said Ralph Heron out of the Money so to be received by him do pay to the Second Class of Sufferers after the Rate of Six Shillings and Eight pence in the pound for their respective Losses and that his payment

this page transcribed by Colin Langton

Transcript copyright © 2015 the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne