Tyne Flood transcript

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On back of p343. R/h corner torn off.  

Since writing my Letter on the other Side I have reced your favo of [ ] day, I cannot attend, owing to the forbidding the Publication of Banns at our Church, on wch I want the Archdeacons Advice & Directions I hope this Meeting will dispose of all the Money wch make up to remains, & will I suppose ^ afford the 1st Class of Sufferers 20/- the 2d. 15/- the 3d. 10/- in the Pound ---- I could not refuse to receive the poor Widows Account -- altho she has no Excuse for not applying before- I am Sir-----T.R. Compls To Mrs Heron

Transcript copyright © 2015 the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne