Tyne Flood transcript

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see Glossary for Fog or Fogg

Loss & Damage sustain'd by George Penman in Throckley Haugh by the great Flood on Novr 1771------- To 80 Rods of Hedging at 1s. P Rod -------- £4.. 0.. 0 To 15 Acres Fog at 7..6 P Acre ----------- 5..12.. 6 To 14. Acs Stubble at 2..6 P Acre --------- 1..15.. - £11.. 7.. 6 We whose Names are hereunto subscribed, do certify that we have carefully viewed, & were before well acquainted with the Premises, & that the above Account & Valuation is true & just according to the best of our Knowledge March 13th. 1772 Thos Softley George Carnaby The above named Thos Softley & George Carnaby are both Inhabitants within this Parish, have been long conversant in Husbandry & are people of good Reputation Thos Rickman Vicar of Newburn.

this page transcribed by Sue Shaw

Transcript copyright © 2015 the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne