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"be" inserted above the line.

"Triffles" inserted above the line.

"in" substituted for "among", which is crossed out.



Newburn 29th. May 1772 The Archdeacons Visitation being on the same Day with the Meeting of the Gentlemen at Hexham, namely on Monday next, I am oblig'd to attend at the first on Account of some particular Matters wch have happen'd within this Parish ----- As this Meeting will probably bring Matters nearly to a Conclusion, at least so far as to put an End to all Claims on the Charity --- I beg leave to recommend to the Gentlemen --- the Case of John Bates of Lemington He is really poor & suffer'd much by the Flood, tho perhaps not so much as is set forth in the Account drawn by himself & wch at the last meeting was put off to a future Consideration --- I could procure the Testimony of many creditable People that his Loss was considerable but as he remov'd to Newcastle the Day after the Flood, no one can certify to the particular Articles-- The Case also of Richard Mitford of Newburn --- Whose Account was certified & deliver'd in with the rest, but by Mistake omitted to be rang'd in any Class & thereby excluded from any Benefit: for a Man in his Station of Life he is not poor, but intituled at least to a place in the 3d. Class --- I am sensible how much trouble these Triffles will give you: & that to bring them within any Class will perplex the whole Account ----- but as you have already paid Money, without Classing the Objects at all, these may be plac'd (if approved by the Gentlemen) in the list of extraordinaries ------I am really sorry that I cannot attend Myself, & more so to give you extraordinary Trouble, === I am Enclos'd is also the Account Sir of the Loss of a poor Wido - amg to Your most humble Servt 13..1½ -- the Reason she gives for Thos Rickman---- not not applying before is that she was at Newcastle when the other Accounts were taken.-------Turn over

this page transcribed by Sue Shaw

Transcript copyright © 2015 the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne