Tyne Flood transcript

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Damages claims from Bywell

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Page 28 of 31

Note: where the original text is an abbreviation, then if the word is underlined like this: abbr, then hovering your cursor over the word will show its expansion.


See glossary for fother

This is the revised (ie reduced) total.  

Amount reduced, probably from 1/6
See Glossary for Peck
Amount reduced, probably from 1/6. 

No figure claimed for the blanket


An Acct of Damage done to Henry Ridley by the late Flood Novbr. 16th 1771--------------------------£ s d Coals 4 Fothers --------------------------------10..00} Books -------------------------------------- 3..00..00} 3 14 6 Windows ---------------------------------------- 4..06} Dorothy Greens Damage Do. Bees three Hives --------------------------- 1..10..00} Coals 12 Fothers --------------------------- 1..10..00} Rye Meal half a Peck -------------------------- 1..03} 3 11 10 Flour the same Quantity -------------------- 1..06} Butter two Pounds ----------------------------- 0..09} Oat Meal half a Peck ----------------------- 1..06} Damage in the Winders & Furniture ------------- 0..10} 3..11..10 James Byers's Loss A good Blanket ---------------------------- s d Two Bed Steads all broke ---------------------- 4.. 0} A Cupboard broken -------------------------- 2.. 6} A Pair of Shoes half wore --------------------- 3.. 0} 1..15.. 6 Sixteen Caps ------------------------------- 16.. 0} Two Fothers of Coals -------------------------- 5.. 0} and other things Damaged --------------------- 5.. 0}

this page transcribed by Sue Shaw

Transcript copyright © 2015 the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne