Tyne Flood transcript

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Damages claims from Bywell

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Page 29 of 31

Note: where the original text is an abbreviation, then if the word is underlined like this: abbr, then hovering your cursor over the word will show its expansion.

See glossary for boll

Figure changed, and previous figure obliterated.

Figure for price of rye, and total, changed.
Figures reduced (by half)

See glossary for fother

Jeremiah Milburn £ s d one Boll of Barley ------------------- 0.. 6.--- one Do. Of Rye ---------------------- 0..10.--- one Do. Of Oats ---------------------- 0.. 4.--- one Pigg at -------------------------- 1..------ Two Hives of Bees -------------------- 1.. 4 Dammage done in the Household} ------- ..10---- Goods Windows &c ------------} £3..14..0 Robt Henderson 4 Bolls of Wheat at .6 per---------- 1.. 4.. 0 Dammaged 3 Bushells of Rye at 2..6 ------------ 0.. 7.. 6 Spoiled 2 Bolls of Barley at 2 per ---------- 0.. 4 one Horse [?] ---at------------------- 1.. 2.. 6 1 Peck Oat Meal at ------------------ 0.. 3.. 0 8lb of Butter at 4 per --------------- 0.. 2.. 8 3 Caps 2 Handkerchifs & one } Shart one Bedgowne -------- } -------- 0..12.. 0 one Silk Handkerchif ----------------- 0.. 5.. 6 4 Fother of Coals at 2..6 per -------- 0..10.. 0 1 ? At 4..6 one ? 2..6 --------------- 0.. 7.. 0 Dammages done in the Household 0..10.. 0 Dammages in one Feather Bedd --------- ..10.. 0 6.. 2.. 2 one Bible ---------------------------- 0.. 4.. 0 6.. 8.. 8

this page transcribed by Sue Shaw

Transcript copyright © 2015 the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne