Tyne Flood transcript

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Transcript of page 309

Damages claims from Bywell

See the scan of this page

Page 27 of 31

Note: where the original text is an abbreviation, then if the word is underlined like this: abbr, then hovering your cursor over the word will show its expansion.

Back of page 308, used for various calculations, 

These calculations sideways on to page

Lawson Boatman 4 : 6 Lawson 76 4 : 0 76 2 : 6 76 1: 38 0 266 ?234 11.?? 74..14..10 34.. 7..-- ?£1 39.. 7..10 37..17..10 2 19.7 39..17..10 9.7

this page transcribed by Sue Shaw

Transcript copyright © 2015 the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne