Tyne Flood transcript

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Warden estimates

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See glossary for load

Brought over 11. 4. 3 Two of Dycher Spelling Books 0. 1. 0 Futtons Mensuration 0.14. 0 Sheet Map of London and Two Music Books 0. 3. 6 Seven Numbers of the North Britton 0 1. 5 Two pecks of Barley Meal One peck and a half of Oat Meal and Wheat Floor £0. 8. 3 12.12. 5 John Walton and Son, Joiner £ S D A Chest of Tools Spoil'd 1. 0. 0 Oyle and Coulors for painting 0. 0. 8 Wood gone 0.15. 0 Two Drawer Locks 0. 1. 6 Four Cart Load of Lime 0.18. 0 Three Volumns of Royal Magzne 0.12. 0 Five Bushels of Barley at 8s p 2. 0. 0 Five Barrels of Oats at 10s p 2.10.0 Six Load of Portatoes at 6s p 1.16. 0 Hay 4.10. 0 Straw 0.15. 0 £14.18. 2

this page transcribed by Joan Harvey

Transcript copyright © 2015 the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne