Tyne Flood transcript

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Warden estimates

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0 partially replaced by 1 so 1.2.0


? mourning wear

Form (bench)

See glossary for Delf


An Estimate of the loss Sustained by john Walton Son & Joiner of Warden Boatside by the late great flood L S D One Dozen of Shirts and Four Yeomans Shifts 3.10. 0 A Muslane Cravat 0. 2. 0 One Sheet and three pillow covers 0. 9. 6 A pair of womans Stays New 1. 0. 0 A figur'd Sattorn Cloak New 1. 1. 0 A woman's silk Hatt 0. 1. 6 Three pairs of Womans Shoes and a pair of leather cloggs £0.10. 6 A pair of silver plated Buchols 0. 4. 0 Five Yards of Cloth for Mone Ware 0.17. 6 Five Chaires 0.15. 0 Table and Furm 0. 7. 6 Cubbard 0. 8. 0 Looking Glass 0. 7. 6 A new Tea Chest 0. 8. 0 Salt Box 0. 1. 0 Two Small Boards 0. 2. 0 Six Delf plates and one Delf Dish 0. 3. 0 Twelve Trenchers 0. 2. 0 Bible and Three Common prayer Books 0.10. 0 Books with the Companion to the Alter and other occational prayers by Bp of Ely 0. 1. 6 The Epistle of paul to Titus 0. 0. 9

this page transcribed by Joan Harvey

Transcript copyright © 2015 the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne