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Warden estimates

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 'New' deleted
See glossary for Delf

a book; see Introduction

 'and Just' inserted above the line



An Estimate of the loss Sustained by John Walton Junr Joiner of Warden Boatside by the late great flood £ S D A large New Table 0.15. 0 Elbow Chairs -- and one common ditto New 0.13. 6 One Stool and Two Bowler 0. 2. 6 Two Delf plates and half a Dozen Bottles 0. 1. 4 Three Delf Basones and Two Spoons 0. 0. 6 A fire Shovel, Wash Bason, and Saddle 0. 1. 4 Half a Dozen pictures 0. 3. 0 William Halfpenny on Chinese pailing 0. 5. 0 A Childs Cap 0. 1. 6 Half a Peck of Barley Meal 0. 1. 0 A pail 0. 1. 0 A Meat Boiler 0. 1. 7 £2. 7. 3 12.12. 5 14.18. 5 £29.17.10 The above Account is true and Just to the best of oure Knowledge and Belief As Witness Our Hands Jany 2nd 1772 Nicholas Leadbitter William Newbigin I believe the above Estimation of the Loss sustained by John Walton & his family by the late great Flood to be reasonable & Just witness my hand Wm Laidman Vicar of Warden

this page transcribed by Joan Harvey

Transcript copyright © 2015 the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne