Tyne Flood transcript

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Haydon Estimates

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See glossary for Felly

See glossary for Deal

Joseph or Josiah

An inventory of Goods, belonging to John Atkinson of Haydon Bridge that were lost in the late Flood in November last £: S: D To One Fir Log 14 foot 0. 19.3 To 30 Cart Fellys 1. 2. 6 To 18 foot of Oak in different Pieces 1. 4. 0 To 4 Fir Deals 0.10. 0 To 3 short Fir Deals 0. 3. 0 To 18 Cart Wheel Spokes 0. 6. 0 To 8 Foot of Ash Wood 0. 8. 0 To 3 Foot of Elm Wood 0. 3. 6 To 1 Bunch of Oak Laths 0. 4. 0 To 1 Axle - Tree 0. 3. 0 To Beef, Flour & Oat Meal spoil'd 0.10. 0 5.16. 3 We whose Names are hereunto subscribed do certify the above losses to be true- - Jos Harrison Minister Thomas Todd Thomas Coats

this page transcribed by Joan Harvey

Transcript copyright © 2015 the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne