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Haydon Estimates

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An estimate of the damage done to Jno Elliot of Haydonbridge by the great flood on 16th Novr last at Durham Field in the County of Northumberland 175 feet of Oak Wood @ 1/6 1. 6. 3 4 pieces Ash Wood -. 12.- £1.18.3 We do hereby certify that the above Wood was taken away by the Flood & that One pound eighteen shillgs & 3d is a moderate evaluation thereof   as witness our hands      April 1772 Thos Lows John Stobert I certify that ye two persons above mentioned are now living in Shotley Parish, and are persons of sober, reputable, and honest characters May 1st 1772 William Dalston Minister of Shotley

this page transcribed by Joan Harvey

Transcript copyright © 2015 the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne