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Draft Open letter by one of Northumberland Committee

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See pages 10-11

2nd (March)


a Copy of these Resolutions being transmitted to the Secretary to the Northumberland Committee, he laid the same before them at their Meeting at Hexham on the 2d instant, when, observing not only it appearing not only from the express Letter of the Advertisement, which was the Foundation of the Meeting on the 19th Feb, but from the Stile of Title prefixed to the Resolutions themselves, Gentlemen who called themselves that they were made ^ by Subscribers to the indigent Sufferers Northumberland Committee in the Town of Newcastle, only ^ the Gentlemen who composed that Committee were unanimously of Opinion that such Subscribers had no power to direct the Distribution of the Subscriptions made for the Relief of the Sufferers in the several Counties collectively, and that if all or any part of the Gentlemen who attended at the Meeting on the 19th Feb were Subscribers to the Sufferers in the several Counties generally yet they cou'd have no power at that Meeting to apportion the Sums to be paid to each County, inasmuch as the Advertisement by extending only to the Town of Newcastle virtually excluded the general Subscribers from any Share in the Business of that Meeting, and not having in the Returns made from the Banks of the general Subscriptions seen the Names which were affixed to the Resolutions of the 19 Feb, they resolved as follows copy Resns 2 March Copies of these Resolutions were accordingly sent to the Secretaries of the several Committees and to the Banks

this page transcribed by Colin Langton

Transcript copyright © 2015 the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne