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Transcript of page 19

Draft Open letter by one of Northumberland Committee

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Last word on line illegible.

and on the 5th instant at another Meeting of the Subscribers to the indigent Sufferers in the Town of Newcastle held pursuant to an Advertisement inserted in the Newcastle Newspapers of the 29 Feb the following extraordinary Resolutions were made copy Resns 5 March In the Stile of these Resolutions the Locality is omitted altho' the Meeting was founded upon the Advertisement of the 29 Feb in which the Subscribers to the indigent Sufferers in the Town of Newcastle only were desired to attend These Facts are laid before you that every individual may judge of the Competency of the persons who have arrogated to themselves a power to dispose of a very large Sum of Money, given by Others, to relieve the Distresses of many poor, unfortunate, wretched Creatures, whose made an Object of their Enquiry Conditions and Necessities the Disposers never ^ enquired after, farther than those who live within the Liberties of Newcastle -- will any one assert or can it be ?? that the Losses sustained by the indigent persons within the Town or County of Newcastle, in any manner equals the Losses sustained by such in the several other Counties? if not, why shou'd equal Sums be applied to repair unequal Losses, and why shou'd those very Gentlem

this page transcribed by Colin Langton

Transcript copyright © 2015 the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne