Tyne Flood transcript

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Draft Open letter by one of Northumberland Committee

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See Introduction, and p 164

To the Subscribers towards the Relief of the unhappy Sufferers by the late Flood in the Counties of York Durham Northumberland and Newcastle in particular and to the public in general Some of the Subscriptions transmitted to the Banks in Newcastle for the above Charity being directed to be applied towards the Relief of the Sufferers in the four Counties, and others towards the Relief of the Sufferers in the Counties of Durham Northumberland and Newcastle, without specifying the proportions to be paid to each County, induced the Committee for Northumberland to apprehend that the several persons who sent such Subscriptions intended to relieve the several Sufferers in the respective Counties according in proportion to the Estimates of Losses sustained in the whole each County, and the rather as the Subscribers, if they intended to have their Subscriptions apportioned to the Number of the Counties only without regard to the great Inequality of Sufferers in each, might, and certainly woud, have so expressed their Intention In the Newcastle News papers of the 15th of Febry last an anonimous Advertisement appeared desiring the Subscribers to the indigent Sufferers in the Town of Newcastle by the late Flood to meet at the Merchants Court on Wednesday the 19th to receive the Report of the Committee and to settle the Distribution, at this Meeting the following Resolutions were entred into copy of Resolns of 19th Feb

this page transcribed by Colin Langton

Transcript copyright © 2015 the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne