Tyne Flood transcript

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Estimate of loss for George Boomer of Knaresdale

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"named" partially obscured by  binding.

See glossary for beatment

I Do hereby certify that I know the within named William Parker and Joseph Moor to be credible honest men, and that the Estimate on the other side appears to me to be a very mo- derate one. _ I further certify that I know the within named George Boomer to be extremely poor, having nothing but his hand Labour to support a small helpless Family and that the Beatment of Meal and Pound of Sugar was all the Food or Nourishment in his House at the time the Flood came. In Witness whereof I have set my Hand this tenth day of March 1772 Jos Railton Rector of Knarsdale

this page transcribed by Bill Saunders and edited by Sue Shaw

Transcript copyright © 2015 the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne