Tyne Flood transcript

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Estimate of loss for George Boomer of Knaresdale

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See glossary for kibble


See glossary for beatment



An Estimate of the Loss sustained by George Boomer of Eals in the Parish of Knaresdale Cooper, by the dreadful Flood wh happened on the 17th of November 1771 £ S D In the Shop ---- A Dozen of Kibbles ---------------- 0..12...0 A Churn --------------------------- 0...3...0 2 Kans ---------------------------- 0...2...0 A Quantity of Staves -------------- 0..13...6 In the House --- A Beatment of Meal and a } Pound of Sugar -------------------} 0...1...4 1..11..10 We whose names are hereunto subscribed do testify, that we were Eye Witnesses to the Loss sustained as above, by the said George Boomer, and do believe the Estimate given in as above to be a very moderate one._ We are personally ac- quainted with him the said George Boomer and know him to be an honest industrious poor Man burthened with a small Family and by this Misfortune become a real Object of Charity. Witness our Hands } Willm Parker this 10th day of March 1772 } Joseph Moor

this page transcribed by Bill Saunders and edited by Sue Shaw

Transcript copyright © 2015 the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne