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Damage claims from Ovingham

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Christopher Gregson


Ovingham Parish A Valuation of the losses sustained by the respective Persons hereinafter named, from the late inundation of Water in the night betwixt the 16th. & 17th. Of November 1771. £ S D *Thomas Fletcher of Wylam, Pitman ----------------- 5..13.. 5½ Richard Brown of Do., Woodmonger ----------------- 10..00.. - George Blaky of Do. Pitman ---------------------- 2..18 10 John Greener {?} of Do., Pitman ------------------ 1.. 1..10 John Outherside {?} of Do. Pitman --------------- 1..11.. - Willam Surtees of Do. Pitman --------------------- 1.. 9.. 9 Edward Hunter of Do. Labourer ------------------- 1.. 2..10 Wylam Total 23..17.. 8½ Wylam Colliery referred to the Committee We whose names are hereunto subscribed, being authorized & appointed to enquire into and ascertain the losses of the above respective persons from the above named flood, do certify that it appears to us from the best Information we have been able to receive, that the above respective persons have suffer'd Losses to the amount of the above respective Sums from the said flood. As witness our hands this 28th. Day of December 1771. Chris: Gregson} Minister } of Ovingham John Blackett John Thompson Brewr John Thompson Stewd £ S D * N.B. Thomas Fletcher receiv'd from Lady Broughton 2.. 2.. 0

this page transcribed by Sue Shaw

Transcript copyright © 2015 the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne