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Damage claims from Ovingham

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Christopher Gregson

I do hereby authorize & appoint John Blackett Esqr John Thompson, Brewer, & John Thompson Steward all of Wylam Joseph Bell of Pruddoe, Cuthbert Laws of Pruddoe Castle, William Eltringham of Hallyards [?] or any two or more of them to inquire into & ascertain in the best manner they are able the losses of every individual Sufferer within the Parish of Ovingham in the County of Northumberland from the late inundation of water in the Night betwixt the 16th. & 17th. of November 1771. As Witness my hands this Twenty Seventh Day of December 1771. Chris: Gregson}Minister of }Ovingham

this page transcribed by Sue Shaw

Transcript copyright © 2015 the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne