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Damages claims from Bywell

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For the Neals' business activities, see Introduction

£ s d Brt over 44 19 5 2 shifts, 8 pairs of sleeves 0 14 0 1 Black silk cloak 0 12 0 3 double white neck kerchiefs 0 10 0 3 single Do. 0 3 0 3 silk Do. 0 12 0 7 checked and spotted pockett do 0 5 0 1 flannell petticoat Hers 0 2 4 1 quilted Do. old 0 2 6 2 pair of shoes, both good 0 5 6 2 pr of stockings 0 3 0 1 black silk bonnet 0 3 6 13 caps besides ribon etc etc 0 15 0 4 Stone Field Turnip seed 2 16 0 2 gallons garden pease 0 2 0 3 gallons of beans 0 9 0 in the garden 1000 cauliflower plants 1 5 0 2,500 Early Cabbage Do. 1 5 0 2000 late Cabbage Do. 0 6 8 55 4 11 Not belong to us, buit in our House, there was 7 ruffled shirts, cut out but not made which cost £3 1s 0d beside Buttons and thred and two yds of Muslin at 4 shillings and sixpence per yd – not made nor cut - All the articles here mention'd are to us, entirely lost, and many more usefull and necessary things, which tis impossible to give an exact account of, We have found several things thrown out at different places, but in so shattered a condition that many of them are almost useless but as they are found, we have not set them down among the lost.

this page transcribed by Ian Brown and edited by Joan Harvey

Transcript copyright © 2015 the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne