Tyne Flood transcript

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Damages claims from Bywell

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Page 12 of 31

Note: where the original text is an abbreviation, then if the word is underlined like this: abbr, then hovering your cursor over the word will show its expansion.


See Introduction for books referred to

See glossary for happings

see Glossary for Lint

See glossary

Double page spread in 3 columns

Column 1

An inventory of goods belonging to Joseph and Ann Neal lost in the Late Flood
                                        £    S    D
One Feather bed                         3    0    0
 6  Do.   pillows                       0   15    0
2 Bolsters All very good                0   12    0
2 Oak bedsteads with headrest           1    0    0
1 Long Fir Table and form               0    5    0
A Square Wainscot Table                 0    8    0
2 Arm Chairs                            0   10    0
4 common  Do.                           0    8    0
A large Oak cupboard                    0   15    0
2 Dressers with Shelves                 1    5    0
A Closet                                0   11    0
3 Spinning Wheels                       0   19    0
1 back reel                             0    5    0
3 gallon casks one full
   of Ale newly brewed                  0   15    0
2 Washing Tubs                          0    5    0
2 Large baskets for Linen               0    2    0
2 small  Do.                            0    0   10
1 Horse to dry linen on                 0    5    0
 A gridiron                             0    1    0
An iron shovel                          0    1    6
One pair of fire {?} grate              0    4    0
A Girdle                                0    2    6
A Hanging Spit                          0    1    0
Beef forks                              0    0    8
2 flat irons                            0    4    0
1 pot one gettling                      0    8    6
1 meal sieve                            0    1    0
Seven dishes and twelve plates
of the best pewter                      1    9    6
                                       14   14    6

Column 2

          Brought over                 14   14    6
One tin Cullender and Bridging Box      0    1    4
One funnel and hair sieve               0    0    7
5 white stone dishes                    0    4    0
16  Do.   plates                        0    2    8
6 red and white China cups and saucers  0   12    0
6 blue and white Do. our best china     0    6    0
4 common  Do.                           0    0    6
6 tea spoons silver                     0   14    0
3 tea pots                              0    1    6
8 blue and white Basons                 0    1    8
1 small punch bowl                      0    1    0
A tea chest with 8 cannisters           0    7    6
1 white qt decanter 1 pint              0    0    9
1 Middle sized looking glass            0    8    0
1 Large English Bible                   0   12    0
 Do. Tillotson's Sermons Bound          0    2    0
Nelson's Devotions                      0    1    0
3 Common  Prayer Books                  0    4    6
2 Nen weeks {?} preparations            0    2    6
and several other books which
cannot at once be recollected
Eleven sheets most of which were
made with good Tno{?} cloth             2    10   0
5 pair of pillow-slips                  0     9   0
9 blanketts, 4 of which were old        1     3   0
2 good bed quilts, 1 green, 1 blue      1     1   0
2 old bed ticks, not good ones          0     4   0
3 old happings                          0     4   6
2 bed curtains, 1 green 1 blue          0    14   0
12 pounds of hard soap                  0     6   0
4 {?} of Jersey ready combed            0     6   0
¼ stone of good wool                    0     2   0
                                      £25    12   6

Column 3

                           Brought over               £25    12   6
3 lb of stocking yarn ready for knitting                0    6    0
2 pecks of wheat in a {?..?}                            0    7    3
4 small table cloths                                    0   18    0
4 Napkins Hugeback                                      0    4    0
7  towels of Russia Ton {?}                             0    7    0
31½ yds of linen cloth white bleached                   3    3    0
and made of lint at  10d and 12d per pd
22 yds of coarse ton cloth bleach'd                     1    2    0
9 yds  of fine ton cut into 3 shirts                    0   12    0
  not made, one shirt body found
One stone of Ton at 7Sh in a sack, cost 2sh the sack    0    9    0
in cash £2 7s                                           2    7    0
 A water skeel and dish                                 0    1    0
5 Fudder of Coals                                       0   11    8
3 dozen bottles                                         0    6    0

                    Wearing apparel
one black cloth waistcoat                               0   10    6
A pair of Buckskin Breeches                             0   15    0
A pair of Brown cloth  Do.                              0    6    0
5 good  shirts                                          1    5    0
1 long neckcloth                                        0    1    6
4 pair of white stockings                               0    10   0
6 pair woolen stockings                                 0    12   0
1 pair Boots                                            0    12   0
1 pair of shoes hers {?}                                0     5   6
5 gowns, 3 of which have been                           3     0   0
  found, but are dash'd to pieces
2 White cloth aprons                                    0     9   0
5 Checked   Do.                                         0    10   0
2 coarse ton Do.                                        0     1   6
                                                       44    19   5

this page transcribed by Ian Brown and edited by Joan Harvey

Transcript copyright © 2015 the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne