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Damages claims from Hexham

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Hexham 19th December 1771 Gentlemen In Pursuance of the Advertisement, I humbly presume to inform you of my Loss by the late Dreadfull Inundation, which being Advanced in years I cannot hope to Recover, Nor by my Labour to support my family, unless Assisted by your Charity; I farm a Garden 1½ Acres, the half of the land was coverd with Wreck and Roots about a Yard Deep, which has Destroyed all my Bushes, the land is partly all over Covered with a Sharp Sand – above 12 inches the £ S D trenching of which will amount to 6 0 0 My Gooseberry Bushes Destroyed 5 0 0 10 fruit trees Destroyed 2 10 0 5000 Quicks Buried in the sand 1 5 0 my Winter Onions Buried in the Sand 2 0 0 winter Spinage 0 10 0 Cabage plants 0 5 0 Lettuce 0 5 0 Brocoli 0 10 0 3 Horse Loads Potatoes 0 15 0 The Whole 19 15 0 Gentlemen, the Petitioner Humbly begs Your Charity, and is bound in Duty to pray for you as Witness my hand William White

this page transcribed by Ian Brown and edited by Joan Harvey

Transcript copyright © 2015 the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne