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Damages claims from Hexham

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An Estimate of the loss sustained by Richard Tweddle of Kinshawgreen, by the late great Flood Namely Of Corn, of various kinds £17 10 0 of Hay gone and rendered useless 7 0 0 Of Potatoes spoiled 16 0 Of Turnips taken away and Sanded.. 1 0 0 Of Household furniture damaged ] and broke, together with three Quarters ] 4 0 0 of Beef ] 30 6 0 the Turnips - 1 29 6 0 We whose Names are hereunto subcribed do certify that to the best of our Knowledge and Belief, the above Estimation is exact regular and just as Witness our Hands Geo: Gibson Dec. 18th 1771 William Laidman, Vicar of Warden Nichs. Leadbitter Thos Bates Geo: Busby Minister of Hexham

this page transcribed by Ian Brown and edited by Joan Harvey

Transcript copyright © 2015 the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne