Tyne Flood transcript

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Damages claims from Hexham

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See glossary for strickle



An Estimate of the Damage done by the late dreadful Flood in the South and North Tyne in Northumberland which happened in the night between Saturday the 16th and Sunday the 17th day of November 1771, to John Bewick, late of Tyne Green near Hexham in the said County, Carpenter and Wheelwright who and his Wife and three children saved their lives by getting in to the Loft of his dwellinghouse, after remaining there the whole night expecting every moment that they with the house would be swept away by the Rage of the said flood & the House is much injured and put into a condition unfit to live in,that he and his family are thereby banished from the said house, and their distressed condition must have been greatly increased if Bacon Wastell Esqr had not in a few days had generously accomodated him with a House to put his wife and family into. To several Panels of Ash,Oak, Elm, Alder and Hazell ] Wood by him provided and prepared to be made into Ox ] Bows Rakes Forkstaffs Strickles and other necessary ] Husbandry Implements and Several Implements of ] Husbandry of that sort finished and others in part made and ] formed and some of his untensils belonging to his business ] £ S D of a Wheelwright and Carpenter all swept away by the ] 3 0 0 Water by which the said John Bewick is damaged at least ] to the value of ] We whose names are hereunto Subscribed do hereby certify that we very well know the above named John Bewick and believing him to be a very honest Industrious Man and that we have also examined the Account and Estimate above written and believe the same to be a true and moderate Account and Estimate of the damage the said John Bewick Sustained by the late dreadful Flood and that we have reason to believe that the said John Bewick by such loss will be reduced to no small difficulty and distress to Support his Credit and that it would be a real Charity done to give him refiief on amount thereof. As witness our hands this 26th Day of December 1771, Geo: Busby Minister of Hexham B W Wastell Wm Noble John White

this page transcribed by Ian Brown and edited by Joan Harvey

Transcript copyright © 2015 the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne