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Damages claims from Hexham

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See glossary for Boll and Thrave


See glossary for fother


An Account of the Loss which John Charlton of the Hermitage Mill has suffered by the late flood. One Stack entirely taken away & lost, containing £ s d seventeen thrave of Barley and a new Boll p Thrave 5 2 0 Fifteen Thrave of Oats at Do. 3 0 0 One other Stack containing about forty Thrave ] of Barley and about 20 Thrave of it damaged ] 4 0 0 One stack of Hay containing about 15 Ton and About 4½ ton damaged & entirely spoiled 11 5 0 In the Mill Eight Bolls of Oats damaged, so as not to be worth ] 2 0 0 above half value ] Six Pecks of Barley damaged 0 5 6 One Bushel of Rye 0 6 0 About 22 Fother of Manure taken away which ] was lying upon Tyne Green ] 1 2 0 About 20 Fother of Manure taken away from 1 0 0 his Dwelling house About six Fother of Coals taken away 0 15 0 28 15 6 Manure -2 2 26 13 6 We have examined the above particulars, which we believe to be true, and have valued the same to the best of our Judgement As Witness our Hands Willm Harbottle Thomas Errington B Leeke Curate of St. Johnlee

this page transcribed by Ian Brown, and edited by Joan Harvey

Transcript copyright © 2015 the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne