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Hexham estimates

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 'to' inserted above the line


Robert, surname unclear

An Estimate of the Loss and Damage sustained by William White of Hexham Gardner by the late great Inundation To Loss and Damage done to his Garden in Hexham £ S D Haughs 19.15 … We whose names are hereunto subscribed have made diligent Enquiry as to the Loss sustained by the above named William White and do believe the same to amount to the above sum of Nineteen pounds and fifteen shillings and We do certify that the said William White is very poor and unable to sustain the Damage Above say'd to be done to him he having no other means to support Himself and Family than his bodily Labour, Dated this second Day of Janry 1772. Geo Busby Minister Wm Robson Robt Narie

this page transcribed by Joan Harvey

Transcript copyright © 2015 the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne