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Hexham estimates

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An Account and Estimate of the Damage done by the late great and dreadful flood in the River Tyne in Northumberland to Edward Forster late of Tyne Green near Hexham in the said County but now of Hexham aforesaid Labourer who and his wife and two Infant Children saved their lives by getting out at a back Door of the House he then lived in Just in time The Water having broke into the House in Different parts thereof and being then about a Yard Deep and in an hours time after Side Wall High so that he and his wife had no time or opportunity to remove or save any thing belonging to them but the Cloaths on their backs and their Infant Children Naked and the House so much Injured and put into a condition unfit to live in that he and his family were thereby Banished from the sd House and their Distressed Condition must have been greatly Increased if their then Landlord Mr John Tate had not in his own House given them Immediate relief and Continued it till they got an Empty House in Hexham aforesaid to go into And after the most Dilligent Search the next day after the flood for their cloaths Wearing Apparel Necessary provision of Victuals and Household Goods and Furniture and recovering and coming at all that was possible his Damage by the said flood is by a Moderate Valuation and Computation as follows To the Value of Wearing Apparel, Victuals ] And Household Goods and furniture Entlrely ] 4: 0: 0 lost, and the Damage done to that part ] thereof of which was saved ]

this page transcribed by Joan Harvey

Transcript copyright © 2015 the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne