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Hexham estimates

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An Account and Estimate of the Damage done by the late great and Dreadfull Flood in the River Tyne in Northumberland to James Pyle of Tyne Green near Hexham in the said County Woodman who was from home at the time the said fflood Happened, and his Wife and an Infant Child were in the utmost danger of lossing their lives by the said Flood, saving themselves by getting into an upper room of the House of John Bewick their Neighbour and there remaining for many hours expecting every moment to be swept away with the House by the Rage of the said Water being for some time side Wall high. And by which part of their Household Goods and furniture Wearing Apparel and nowhere provision of victuals and two Goose the only living Goods they had were swept away and the remainder thereof much damaged, And by a Moderate Valuation and Computation of the whole damage thereby done to the said Jas Pyle Amount at least to Tenn Pounds.

this page transcribed by Joan Harvey

Transcript copyright © 2015 the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne