Tyne Flood transcript

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Warden estimates

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We whose Names are hereunto subscribed Do hereby certify that we very well know the within named Jane Scott and Robert Scott her son and beleive themto be very honest industrious People and that we have also examined their account and Estimate within written and beleive the same to be a true and moderate account and Estimate of the Damage the said Scott and Son sustained by the late deadful flood and that we have reason to beleive that the said Scott and Son by such loss will be reduced to no small difficulty and Distress and that it would be a real Charity done to give them releif on Account thereof. As witness our own hands this 13 day of March 1772 Jno Bell John Walton Margt Parker

this page transcribed by Joan Harvey

Transcript copyright © 2015 the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne