Tyne Flood transcript

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Warden estimates

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Might be 'Road'

No. = Note

See glossary for Delf

An Estimate of the Damage done by the late dreadful flood in the River of South and North Tyne in Northumberland which happened in the Night between Saturday the 10th and Saturday the 17th day of November 1771, to Jane Scott of West boat House in the Parish of Warden in the said County Widow and to her son Robert Scott of the same place Taylor. A chest with Trimmings and particulars belonging L S D to the Son in his way of Business 0.15.0 Four Mens Shirts belong to him 0.12.0 Five Boys Shirts 0.10.0 Two Womans Shirts 0. 5.0 Caps Aprons and Sleeves 0.12.0 No. all those swept away by the water Cloaths spoiled by the Water 0.10. 0 1 Pair of Cloggs swept away by it 0. 2. 0 Delf Dishes Do. 0. 2. 0 Comb'd Wool lost Do. 0. 2. 0 Corn and flower wasted thereby 0. 5. 0 Bedds and Bedding Damaged 0. 8. 0 Household furniture Damaged 0.12. 0 In all to the value of 4.15. 0

this page transcribed by Joan Harvey

Transcript copyright © 2015 the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne