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Haltwhistle Estimates

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see Glossary for Fog and Winteridge


An Estimate of the Damages done to Thomas Hetherington Farmer at Bellister Castle in the Parish of Haltwhistle by ye late great flood the 16 of November last To 4½ Acres of Hard corn ye soil entirely Swept away as deep as the Ploughing 27. 00. 00 To 8 Acres of Turnips entirely destroyed 25. 00. 00 To Loss of Fog & Winteridge 15. 00. 00 To 4½ Acres of Hard Corn dam- £67. 0. 0 -aged & Carrots seeming by ?? ??? ??? ???? Th'??d ??? C?op? 15. 00. 00 82. 00. 00 Valued by us his near neighbours and who were eye Witnesses to the facts above stated This 17 Day of February 1772 William Tinling Edward Tinling We believe ye above to be a very moderate and reasonable Estimate as we know the Persons who have Subscribed their names & valued ye Loss to be Honest men. Thomas Rotheram John Farrer Curate of Haltwhistle

this page transcribed by Barbara Martin

Transcript copyright © 2015 the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne