Tyne Flood transcript

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Haltwhistle Estimates

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see Glossary for Fog

William Dodgson?

See glossary

Damage done Thos. Hetherington of Bellister Nine Acres of Wheat & Rye sown on a clean Summer fallow Limed and Manured - the Corn and Soil entirely swept away. Eight Acres of Turnips on good Land well Limed and Manured - Turnips & soil gone Fourteen Acres of fresh Fogg and the Winter Eatage of all his best warm ground, is covered with Sand and Gravel, and quite lost, and the Hedges running North & South Wreck'd up and destroyed. Four Acres & an half of new sown Rye is so much Washed & the Roots laid so bare it is thought it cannot come to a Crop worth the Seed that was sown, Damage done Wm. Dodgshon Millar of Bellister Mill A Quantity of Corn in the Mill, with his household furniture & wearing apparel being all his substance entirely swept away by the flood. Damage done Ann Bell of Harpertown, a Poor Widow with Six Children to maintain. Sixty thrave of Oats - Twenty thrave of Barley - a Hay Stack of Eight Fathom, & all her Husbandry tackle of every kind, entirely swept away.

this page transcribed by Barbara Martin

Transcript copyright © 2015 the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne